Our ingredients

Know the essentials ingredients in the Nasentia inhalers

Each inhaler pen has their own special blend of oils derived from nature.

Energy: orange, lime, peppermint and eucalyptus

  • Orange: Uplifting yet relaxing and stress reducing effect. 
  • Lime: Stimulating and enhancing effect on mood
  • Peppermint: Very stimulating and supports focus
  • Eucalyptus: Invigorates and promotes feelings of a clear mind

 Relax: lemon, bergamot, lavender, peppermint and cedarwood

  • Lemon: Perks up your mood
  • Bergamot: Uplifting, calming and alleviates stress
  • Levander: Promotes relaxation and wellness 
  • Peppermint: Decreases anxiety, frustration and fatigue
  • Cedarwood: Relaxes body and reduces stress due to its sedative qualities

Appetite control: grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, peppermint and cinnamon

  • Grapefruit: Helps suppress an overactive appetite
  • Lemon: Perks up your mood
  • Bergamot: Contains high levels of stress reducing limonene which helps suppress appetite
  • Peppermint: Encourages the release appetite suppressing hormones, especially leptin, while suppressing the release of the hunger hormone, ghrelin
  • Cinnamon: Helps suppress an overactive appetite and may improve blood sugar levels

Relieve: geranium, juniper, wintergreen, cajuput and vetiver

  • Geranium: Has a reputation for relieving: cramps, migraines and even muscle pain
  • Juniper: Calming and grounding effect
  • Wintergreen: Uplifting with soothing properties
  • Cajuput: Anti-inflammatory, painkiller effect and helps prevent growth of diseases
  • Vetiver: Supports immune system and has calming properties